Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pro|E: Relations in Tables

Things in tables are "Report Symbols"
If your BOM table is not nice and vanilla, you may need to customize the report symbols, since you cannot hand-edit in the repeat regions. To do that, make a relation (formula/program) and use it as a Report Symbol in your table.

To create a relation:
  • Pick Table/Repeat Region/Relations, then click the table.
  • Write a relation (formula); if rpt.qty is not available, do Parameters/Add Parameter.
  • To use a report symbol in a relation, replace "." with "_", example: &rpt.qty becomes rpt_qty.
To use a relation:
  • Double-click the repeat cell.
  • Pick the report symbol: rpt.../rel.../User defined
  • Enter the variable that is defined by your relation

Example: an OR statement

IF asm_mbr_part_number == "90M12373-1" | asm_mbr_part_number == "90M12375-2"
qty_fn2 = "-"
qty_fn2 = rpt_qty ENDIF

In this example, qty_fn2 is the variable that can be used as a Report Symbol. asm_mbr_part_number is a Report Symbol in a different column of the table. Note that "." has been replaced with "_"; this replacement is required for using Report Symbols in Relations.

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